

Norma Advertisement Gallery

by Jim Mamoulides, June 28, 2016

Below is a slideshow of 7 original scans of Norma Pencil Company advertising. The scans have a maximum height of 1024 pixels. Use the controls to advance, go back, and click to view full screen.

1935 Popular Mechanics
1935 Popular Mechanics


Submit Your Scans To Help Build The Library!

Many collectors buy vintage pens and pencil advertisements in order to build on their knowledge of the hobby. This page is intended to help collectors locate and identify these pens for their personal use and information. This a living compilation that will grow as new material is found and donated. Please consider scanning missing material for inclusion here.

Want to donate a scanned user guide to the Library? Email it here!

Rules For submissions: Submit only scans you personally made from original material. If you did not personally scan it, it won't be posted here. Use 300 DPI uncompressed resolution. Send raw scans, as they will be adjusted for size, space, and quality before posting. Please do not submit anything later than 1970, both for copyright and interest reasons. Submissions will be credited to you, so please give your full name for proper credit. Anything you submit is assumed permitted for use anywhere on this site, including current and future articles as illustrations. Credits will be posted in any other places used. If you have any questions, please ask before you send anything.


Comments on this article may be sent to the author, Jim Mamoulides Bibliography

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