Noodler's Ink

Noodler's Ink was created by Nathan Tardif to be a pen friendly ink. It is free-flowing and comes in a large variety of colors, as can be seen on the following color chart (from Nathan Tardif's website). This new brand is 100% made in the USA from cap to glass to ink. The catfish on the label symbolizes noodling, or fishing, a southern USA sport where the struggle between man and animal is done in a quest for a sense of fair play...and thus a fair price.

Noodler's comes in 1 oz (permanent), 3 oz and 4.5 oz bottles.  The MSRP ranges from $12.50 - $20 depending on the ink.

Contact Deb for pricing on Noodler's Ink by clicking here.

To keep up with the ever changing color additions, see the Noodler's site.

I also sell select colors of Diamine and Sailor ink.

Contact Deb Kinney at:

Latest Update 1/7/09 Copyright © 2005 Deb Kinney All rights reserved